Sunday, June 26, 2011

Final Assignment

Hello, and welcome to a new week! It's our final week of class, so I wanted to thank you all for the very nice experience. I enjoyed working with you all and I hope that we'll have another class together in the future. If not, I wish you the best of luck; if I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me through my Sitzman ABC blog.

Remember that this Saturday is our last day, so we'll need to finish our presentations. Also, any blog additions or changes you want to make need to be made by Friday at noon at the latest, so I can take your comments into account before our class.

Now, your homework:

For your last assignment, I'd like you to do a self-assessment of your blog this bimester. I'll take your comments into account when I evaluate your blog posts. I'd like you to be honest, so if you'd prefer not to post this to your blog, that's OK; you can send it to me by email instead.

For your self-assessment, I'd like you to write a couple of sentences about each of your posts, including a score for each on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). You should take into consideration first of all your English use (Vocabulary, Grammar, Mechanics, etc.), as well as your promptness, completeness, and your interaction with your group partners and their blogs.

You had 5 assignments, so you'll have to write your comments for the 5 posts. To remind you, they were:

Week 1: Paragraph about your eating habits
Week 2: Ideal location for a business in Costa Rica
Week 3: Explanation about your mid-term presentation
Week 4: Story using travel vocabulary
Week 5: Outlining debate topics

For example, you could say:

Week 2: 9/10. I feel that I did a good job with this post, since I followed the guidelines completely. I explained the type of business I was talking about, as well as the factors that such a business would need. I also identified good places in Costa Rica for such a business. I commented on my partners' blogs, but I took off a point since I was two days late posting my assignment.

So, do that 5 times, and you should be fine. Remember that you can also email me this assignment if you feel uncomfortable posting it to your blog. You can also take this opportunity to give me feedback about any aspect related to the class.

Thanks again, and good luck! See you all on Saturday!

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